Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing I am Thankful For...


I know that there have been tons of "what I am thankful" blogs today and I almost didn't post mine but after reading and catching up on all my blog friends, but I decided that I really do have a lot of reasons to be thankful this year and I wanted to share them, more for me than anything else...

I am thankful for my Hubby.  Even though he warps between his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality on a regular basis and even though his snoring makes me want to commit murder, almost on a daily basis, I am thankful for him.  I am thankful that we both took to heart our original vows, for better or worse, through good times and bad, and we have been together for damn near 30 years and still love each other.  I am thankful that he is both my friend and my lover and I am especially thankful that the latter is as good today as it was all those years ago.

I am thankful that C1, my oldest child, has finally come into himself as a responsible adult.  I am thankful that he is pursuing his dream and that he is opening his very own, hopefully of many, gyms this coming week.  He makes me proud.  I am thankful that he has found a girlfriend and for the first time in his life he has made the decision to begin a relationship based on getting to know her before intimacy.  I am thankful that he trusts me enough and respects me enough to share this with me. (Lord, I hope I didn't just jinx him)

I am thankful that C2, my middle son, is making a healthy recovery and I am especially thankful that God spared his life this year.  Though some of this process has been rough and there is still more healing to come, I am thankful that we have bonded and become closer in the past 4 months and he has allowed me to mother him even though he is an adult and doesn't need or necessarily want my mothering.  I am thankful that he has made the decision to go back to school and follow his dreams.  He also makes me proud.

I am thankful that C3, my baby boy, is becoming the young man that he is.  I am thankful that even though he has moved into his teenage years, that he has moved into them gracefully, with dignity and with the sweet natured compassion that he has always had.  I should be thankful that he thinks that we have such a close relationship that he feels comfortable waking me at midnight on a Tuesday night to ask if he can go up the street and spend the night with his buddy.  SCREECH.... Brake, WTF?  No I am not thankful that he feels this comfortable.  Hmmmm...

I am thankful for my family, especially my mother, who is always there for me.  I am thankful that for the first time in my life she has not put that old 'Catholic guilt' on me and pressured me into over-extending myself and my family this Thanksgiving holiday and finally at the ripe ol' age of 72 she has accepted that traditions can change and that doesn't mean I don't love her any less.

I am thankful for my friends and extremely thankful for my two new, very best friends that have helped me more than they will ever know through this trying year.  Who would have ever thought that the three of us from very different backgrounds, at very different stages of life (okay, age) could become so close after sharing three very different crisis'.  I am thankful for both of you every single day and even though we have yet to figure out how or where we will finally meet, I look forward every day to sharing my life with you two, even though you make fun of my Texas Twang accent, you wenches!

I am thankful for all my blog buds and all of you that actually read my blog, even you lurkers that never come out of the closet.  I am thankful that I get to enjoy the relationships I have built with all of you and that you allow me to share in your lives as well.

Even though I had some very serious health scares this year, I am here today to share with all of you the things that I am thankful for and for this not only am I thankful, I am blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tracie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Becca said...

Happy Thanksgiving and I am so glad that I have met you. You have impacted my life in many good ways.

Lulu said...

Very nicely written!

Anonymous said...

I love you, Kitty Kat

Anonymous said...

Awe, how sweet are you!?

Good list though dear, you have a lot to be thankful for this year!

Betsy said...

It's crazy to look back at 1 year and see all that's happened. You've had a crazy year but you're right, still much to be thankful for!

Gully Girl said...

I'm with HC, you're super sweet!?!?

This was a great list. Your boys have all grown up a lot this year, haven't they? I'm glad to hear your mom has, too. ;)

The Lady in Pearls said...

This post didn't come up on my blog feed, for some reason. But I saw it on spaces. So....I commented there. And now here. Don't you feel special?? ; )