Tuesday, February 17, 2009

cruising day one

So here we go...  Today was an extremely long day and I suffered from excruciating pain from the cute shoes that I was wearing.  But have no fear, no pain, no glory - I toughed it out.  It was a little rough since the temp at home was 30 degrees when I left this morning, but for the sacrifice of fashion, I endured.  Not a really great pic of leaving the dock, but the outfit was THE BOMB:

Cruise 2009 002 

Can't believe they didn't get the shoes!  ARGH! But here they are in all their glory...

Cruise 2009 

We boarded the ship way too early and practically froze to death waiting for our 'Muster Lesson.'  Well it could have also been the frozen Piña Colada's that kept it so cold...  Nonetheless we forged on and by the time we went to our 'drill' we were in fine form.  For some strange reason those around us were taking it a whole lot more serious than our group...

Cruise 2009 003

Yes we posed for pictures instead of listening to what we were supposed to do in case of an emergency, but honestly I don't really care WHERE I am supposed to be if something happens, it will be to each it's own and my happy ass will be on a dinghy whether I have to push people out of the way or not, just sayin....

Come to find out our cruise is a singles cruise and there is an extremely LARGE group of Singles at Sea and they have the T-shirts to prove it.  Apparently there is also some sort of color coded clothing that indicates whether you are 'single and looking', 'in a relationship' or 'a swinger' - This should be good...  However if I have one more short dude stare directly at my chest for an extended amount of time, it could get ugly...

Didn't get a picture of my cute evening outfit with the really cute shoes that I showed you previously.  I thought about re-enacting it for the good of the blog, but after dancing in those suckers until 1:00 am, I don't think they will be gracing my feet anytime in the near future.

I plan on carrying my camera around more tomorrow, some pretty interesting sites around here that I'd love to share - stay tuned...


MyFrogs said...

Yay! Kat made it through day one! And updated us! I'm so excited for what's to come! 'Cause you do know we're all living through you right now, right? Have a pina colada for me! Love those things!

The Lady in Pearls said...

Um, Kat? The color coding thing? It appears that kick-ass brown shoes indicate you are a swinger. Hence the short dudes string directly at your chest. Just thought I would warn you.

The Lady in Pearls said...

Ooops. I meant "staring" not string, of course!

Jaysey said...

We laughed all the way through our muster lesson, too. I mean really--if the ship goes down, forget it! Hope yours doesn't!

Pat said...

Well from that smile on your face looks pretty good so far? loved the shoes. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings? Dancing, I love to dance, did I tell you I can clog too? LOL

Anonymous said...

I wish you were going to be here this weekend. I think I'm going to need you. If tonight is any indication, I'm in deep shit.

Gully Girl said...

Oh, Kat. I love the outfit other than the leggings. BUT you knew I would say that, right? :)

Hope things are going well still. Pretty sure you're having a better week than Chris and I.

You probably should look into the color coding and find out exactly which colors are which and adjust your wardrobe accordingly.

Jane! said...

Haha what June said!!!
I think those CFM slings will also come in handing for stepping over people to get to the life boats.
Have fun!!!!

flooz said...

I get to go to a work-paid-for meeting in Savannah next week. I invited my daughter to go along and we will have three days to just tour and shop before the meeting starts. Today I received some "read-aheads." The packet is just a little less than the size of a ream of paper. I think the bail-out package released at 10:30 p.m., the night before everyone had to vote on it, was smaller. If I could stand to read this package and stay awake, I wouldn't need to go to the stupid meeting. I must figure out a way to retire and still be able to go to work and do the stuff I like and keep up on the gossip, etc. I could have several boxes on my desk labeled "Too Hard to Do." Your shoes, as usual, are fabulous--I wear such things by proxy, through you.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope the week is going better for you and your feet have recovered from the cute shoes. I do love those btw!

I see naked dudes in the back ground! Are they anatomicly correct? You should take a pic of you holding their peckers or balls!

Oh the comments I could come up with for that picture!

Anonymous said...

Come home soon!! We miss you! I was dying to see what Sarah had to say about the leggings..and she didn't disappoint. HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Day one was like 5 days ago...ahem....