Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Girl

C1 has been dating THE GIRL for several months now and yet I have not met her. He's talked about her and I know he's met her parents. He has even introduced her to one of my nieces and she has given her approval, but still five months later, no introduction to the parents.

I actually understand this seeing as he has brought home A GIRL just two times before and within the week of my meeting them, the relationship was over. Coincidence? Surely it wasn't me...

Believe it or not, as much as I love my boys, I've never been comfortable with the female companion thing. It's not that I think that no girl is good enough for my son, it really isn't. It's more of my own discomfort with the whole thing and how I'm supposed to act. I let my hair down once, you may recall the She-Devil, and not only did that whole disaster break C2's heart, it broke mine.

I've known THE GIRL'S first name since the beginning but have only recently learned her last name. Blunder on C1's part in forwarding an email of pictures to me. Thankfully, after the detective searching of my good (and obviously more computer savvy) friends, there were no google hits or anything bad found. Well except that pouty picture thing on Facebook...

I've seen her picture, I think she's cute. She's a brunette and not a blonde, which is good since we know how I feel about blonde girlfriends (think She-Devil again). I have even teased C1 about contacting her myself for a little one-on-one meeting, but I didn't really mean it. I've wondered about her a little bit but haven't dwelled on it and even though some people think it should hurt my feelings that he hasn't brought her around, it really doesn't. I've really been okay with not meeting her and quite honestly I haven't even said her real name out loud, I refer to her as THE GIRL. Kind of like the PORN STAR, still don't recall what her actual name was?

So where am I actually going with all of this? Well... C1 called today and has requested the honor of Hubby and I's presence this Saturday evening at a dinner date with him and THE GIRL. GAWWWWDDDDD!

Shouldn't it be HER with a stomach all in knots, dreading the 'interview' and long, silent pauses? WHY is it ME? GAWWWWWDDDD....


MyFrogs said...

I desprately want boys or just A boy, but this is the SINGLE reason I'm glad I don't have boys. I don't think I could handle the girlfriends! I love my girlfriends and I'm friendly with all the women I work with, but I'm not a huge fan of girls. Well, the catty b#%%^y ones. But then I have 2 girls, who are full of drama and will one day have their hearts broken, and it will destroy me. Can't win either way.
Just make sure your shoes are better than hers, although I don't think that will be a problem!
Yay, we missed you Kat!

Tracie said...

Now seriously, you think you have it bad with boys and the whole girl thing. Now think about having girls and the whole boy thing. Scarey stuff!

Susan said...

I bet her insides are just as knotted as yours! Good luck!

Pat said...

Lord Kat, I did the same thing everytime son would be dating a girl I would secretly check her out before he bought her threw the front door!!!so I would know what I was up against. He married once lasted all of two years and now, well lets just say he is happy!! Hugs, pat

Gully Girl said...

After the craziness that was She-Devil, I don't blame you one tiny bit for being aprehensive when it comes to your sons' girlfriends. Try to not hold that crazy girl's actions against this new girl. If it's lasted this long, there's got to be a reason for it. Go in just being yourself. I'm sure he's "warned" her about you anyway. LOL. :)

3carnations said...

This is my first time at your blog. I have a 4 year old son, and right now, getting together with the girls who are his friends is a joy, and easy as pie. Meeting dates, though? That's going to be a whole other story, isn't it? I enjoyed this post. :)

Anonymous said...

Whoever "the Girl" is, she is gonna love you!! I remember when I met my first mother-in-law, it was love at first sight and it lasted till she died. Just concentrate on having a nice dinner and a little (notice I said "little" here hehehe) vino to calm the nerves and you'll do fine.

If you can help me fix my blog problem over on spaces I'd be most appreciative. I tried every which way I knew how to fix it and couldn't...but then we know how "untechie" I am.



Dory said...

I suppose it's normal to be a little nervous but really Kat - you're great! She's gonna love you if she has any brains in her head. Don't worry.

The Lady in Pearls said...

I was ticked about Wally never bringing his girlfriend over for dinner - even though he had been to her home several times! When he finally agreed to have her over, I was so nervous I talked the poor girl's head off! No wonder why he never brings anyone around! But you? You got it together woman! And you will be fine. Wear the new kick-ass shoes and don't talk with food in your mouth and you'll do fine!

meg said...

Girlfriends I can handle (for the most part- I'm still processing the oldest one's 19 yo gf with a 6 mo baby- not his!) but the not meeting te=hem part bugs me. Being a fat girl (oh, sorry- I mean fluffy woman), there's this niggling little fear that they're ashamed of me- my problem, not their's :-S
Ahem! (hand on hip) What do you mean about my back-then hair? It was presentable & (semi) fashionable- if you were into Donna Summers :-P

Jane! said...

Wow, this sounds like a Dr. Phil episode just waiting to happen.

You know what I think? Of course you do. I think C1's so worried that she will be intimidated by his mother and know that she could NEVER possibly fill your shoes that he doesn't dare introduce you. I mean it would be like finding out that your future mother-in-law is, like, Meryl Streep. But cuter!

Do the girl a favor, Kat and dumpy yourself down a little bit for the first meeting. You owe it to C1.

Becca said...

I bet she is wonderful and you are both going to fall in love and C1 is going to be left in the dust of you girls!


Anonymous said...

I have a few theories about this. 1) Either C1 did not take this girl serioulsy until now, hence why you guys never meeting her OR he was not interested in it being serious and now it has become serious.
2) If she was serious about C1 she would have been wondering why she has not met you guys yet. Somebody who is looking for a real relationship usually does want to meet the parents, cause if the parents are freaks they don't want to waste their time with the other person.

She is the one that should be nervous because she is joining you guys as a family, not you joining he family.

Jaysey said...

Good luck? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're awesome and so she will be....