Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hell must have started to freeze over

Spent a lovely afternoon with C1 at his gym helping him set up a personal budget. Good times! It made me feel uber important when he kept introducing me to all his members. One even said that we look alike - NOT! That was actually the first person ever in 26 years to have said that to me. So technically he's off the shit list, even wants to come over tomorrow for dinner...

And then he dropped a bombshell on me that I was not expecting. At. All. As we were discussing finances and I relayed to him that it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into a roommate - he stated that he and M have discussed cohabiting. Now that wasn't the bombshell that blew me away, didn't actually shock me even.

The big one was the 'L' word. He told me that he has told her that he loves her and then asked me why I thought he told her that? Um, because you really like her? To which he replied, "No, Mom I think I'm in love with her, wait, no, I know I'm in love with her." SCRREEEEEEEEEECCCCCHH!

Actually I am quite happy for him. And her. I like her, I really do. I hope this is something that works out.

But of course, his Momma is still his best girl, or so he says...


Anonymous said...


I thought you were going to say his g/f was pregnant so you don't know how relieved I was to read this instead. How great that he shared that with you though.

It's simply great-

Jaysey said...

Hopefully, it will work out--if not , cohabiting can be very messy.

Becca said...

That is awesome news. So tell us all about her. What is she like?

Jess said...

How exciting for him! (And you?) Also, both those photos are fabulous.

Susan said...

They look like a loverly couple. I hope it all works out for everyone involved.

Betsy said...

Very sweet! They are a cute couple & I hope it works out. A girl that mama kat likes is a lucky girl in deed!

Gully Girl said...

Awww, you're the best momma ever! Well, except for my own, that is. ;)