Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm really not as mean as I sound...

Today was another long day just stretching this week into eternity! I had nothing on my calendar at work and was planning on playing catch-up and just chilling through the day... That didn't last long since I received a call on my way to the office and found out that a 10:00 meeting, 11:30 lunch AND a 1:30 meeting were scheduled for me - ugh!

Made it through the first meeting and the lunch unscathed, hurrying back to the office for the 1:30. We had a couple executives of an insurance company coming in to woo us into to selling their products. Pretty much a start up company which is something we don't do, we stay with top carriers. But as a favor to an old friend we agreed to meet with these dudes. One of them had just invested $7 million of his own money into this company and since distribution is key, I was thinking they really needed us more than we needed them...

1:30 rolls around, and goes, then 2:00, then 2:30 with no phone call and then they finally show up. Rudeness. So to make a point we let them sit in the conference room and stew a little bit longer.

When I entered the room, (always making a grand entrance ;)) I was taken back by the ugliest man that I have ever seen in my entire life! Seriously, I am not trying to be mean, but this man was so ugly that it was extremely hard to look at him. His clothes were wrinkled and too small, his hair was a cross between Don King and Art Garfunkel, and of course he was 2 feet shorter than me. Definitely did not look like a man that had an extra $7 million to throw into an insurance company.

It was very hard to contain myself and act in the professional manner that was expected of me without downright staring at him and at the same time being so repulsed that I couldn't even look at him. GAWD the things I have to do to earn a living... Thankfully they were behind schedule and had to leave at 3:30 to make a flight because I do not think I would have lasted much longer in that room.

So, do you think I am as mean as I sound?


Jess said...

No, I don't. Sometimes people just don't make a good impression. End of story.

Becca said...

No, I don't think that you are mean. I think that you are honest. Do these people not know to show up on time? And that first impressions really do count? Or does/did this person think that his money makes up for his lack of finesse in clothing ones self?

Anonymous said...

you'd be amazed- most millionaires don't look 'the part' of what we think they should look like.

i would have stared like i was looking at a monkey in a zoo.

Jaysey said...

You know what "they" say: "You can't help ugly." ;-)

Bev said...

Naaahhh! You're not mean. I have always been one of those sticklers for being on time. It is the way I was raised. I would have had a hard time too, between their rude tardiness and Mr. Ugly. If Mr. Ugly had been dressed for the meeting appropriately, he might not have seemed so ugly. Then again....maybe not.

Gully Girl said...

Train wreck?? You know you shouldn't stare, but you can't help yourself!

Wish you would have gotten a picture...

Tracie said...

Well you didn' say outloud "man your ugly!" (did you?) that would be mean. Just thinking someone's ugly is not mean

Pat said...

You mean? Never, just very truthful. LOL
Here is a little saying for you, Beauty is only skin deep, when beauty fails UGLY will hold it's own. LOL.
Like you we get people with ugly, smelly (thats why I keep freebreeze on my desk) and hateful and every once in a while someone nice and not bad on the eye either. LOL Hang in there, Hugs, pat