Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In My Humble Opinion…

As many of you did last night, I watched Jon & Kate plus Eight and learned what we all have been expecting, they are divorcing. There has been an over-abundance of media attention to this family as of late, and like many of you, I was a bit tired and skeptical of the whole mess. But watching last night all I could feel was deep sorrow for Kate.

Many people say that she is a bitch and is stuck in the glory of her own fame as well as exploiting her children. I admittedly thought those things too, but watching her in her pain last night, I suddenly turned. Yes, she is a domineering woman with a take charge attitude but how many of us have lived in the role as a mother of eight children? Someone had to step up and take charge or there would be total chaos.

Being raised in a large family with seven children, I know for a fact that getting nine people out of the front door for any outing, whether it be grocery shopping, going to church or a family trip, it takes tons of organization. All of that organization needs leadership thank goodness Kate Gosselin had/has the maturity to step up to the plate. Quite obviously her spouse did not. Strangely, if she were a man nobody would be calling her a bitch it would be the exact opposite, she would be a great father AND a smart businessman, and that my friend is not only wrong but sad.

I had a hard time feeling any sympathy for a man that not only cheated on his wife, which he denies, but come on the cameras caught him, but decided to ride the coattails of his wife’s success and quit his job to stay home. Where are his balls? I don’t fall for his crap that someone had to stay home with the kids. I, like millions of other mothers, have always worked a full-time job while raising my children. Granted my children aren’t perfect but I don’t believe it was detrimental to their well-being to stay with babysitters or in daycare.

My husband traveled extensively during the upbringing of our children, sometimes being away from home for over a year with visits every other weekend. I still worked to help provide for my family, I didn’t quit my job to sit on my ass or to go skiing with my buddies in Utah. I went to work each morning after dropping my kids off at daycare or school and I came home every night and fed them, bathe them, spent quality time with them and put them to bed. Many a summer I would actually hire someone to come to my home so that my kids could enjoy being in their own space. Did any of this hurt my children?  Certainly not. I feel fortunate that my husband was a real man and worked even harder than I did to support my family.

Say what you will about Kate exploiting her children, what I see is a woman that was dealt a situation and used her intelligence to figure out how to support her large family. We all know that it costs a fortune to raise a child, or two children or three. Heaven knows what the cost would be to raise eight children and make sure that there was enough money to support them and send them to college. Quite obviously that wasn’t going to happen on Jon’s computer nerd salary. So Kate took the situation into her own hands and figured out how to make an empire with her family to give her children’s those blessings. Bravo to her.

Sickening to me, Jon shows no remorse for tearing his family apart. No matter how ‘hard’ it was to stay home with his children while his wife traveled making all that money to support the children, why didn’t he man up and figure out another way if it was too much for him to handle? Where are your balls Jon? The fact that he is acting like a victim in this situation makes me want to vomit. He is not a victim, poor Jon is a pussy that let his wife take control and now wants to whine about it. Let’s see how much he whines when she continues to build the empire for her and her eight children and he has to go get a J.O.B. Guess what Jon, that’s what real men do.

Sadly at the age of 32, Jon feels that his ‘new life’ will be exciting and an adventure. Yep, that’s what he said, he’s excited. Seriously, you’re excited that you are a cheater and abandoning your family. You are a pathetic loser, plain and simple. A real man, even at the age of 32, would have admitted his mistakes, BEGGED forgiveness from his wife and figured out a way to make it work for the sake of his children. After all that’s what he keeps claiming he’s doing this for, the sake of his children. He has no right to be mad at his wife for what she has done for this family, no right at all. At the age of 32 he should realize that he made his bed when he decided to act like the immature brat that he is and screw some 20-something year old.

I’m sure everyone has a different view or opinion on this. I’m sure that many of you don’t really give a rat’s ass, but I felt compelled to get my opinion off my chest. I will pray for Kate and her children and I will hope that without Jon her life is full of happiness and the true meaning of family. God Bless you Kate in your journey.


Lulu said...

I'm with you on this one... My opinion is that Jon feels like he gave up his twenties to be a husband and father, and now he is trying to relive those years. Well guess what....you're a grown man with 8 kids, it is time to step up!

Susan said...

Divorce is always a bitch and there are two sides to every story, lucky for me, I am impartial. It's their life, their problem and it doesn't effect me. Thank gawd. i have enough problems of my own! ;)

Amy said...

I also have to agree with you. I think Jon is trying to re-live his twenties, and well, too little too late buddy.

Well said!

tracy said...

Well have you read all the other stuff online? I think the show made it to skew towards feeling bad for Kate. I mean Jon's no great guy but Kate has supposedly been cheating too. I don't think she's poor little Kate, I think she's just as at fault as Jon, she seems to have let the fame and money go to her head a little too much! Who knows what the truth is, but much as they are annoying, I was sad watching last night because no matter what happened, they obviously just went separate directions. And divorce sucks.

Jane! said...

I can't imagine any marriage surviving a reality show like that. Well, except the Osbournes but that's a whole 'nother brand of crazy.
I think you should just focus on running off to Utah to ski with your buds.... in the winter, of course.
Oh wait! I'm already here!

Anonymous said...

I never liked either one of them but last night I grew to like Kate a little bit because you're right- she took the bull by the balls and did what she thought was best- and guess what? it paid off- people were interested...and I don't think TLC liked Jon too much because they kept shooting him from not so great angles- can I tell you how many times I saw his bald spot? too many!

Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker on your blog for many months. Had to comment since I thought I was the only person who felt sorry for Kate. I'm just so sad for her and the kids who I thought at least had an active, participating dad...even if he had no balls. Hopefully, he will man up, grow a pair and continue to be a part of their lives. And until then, Kate and the kids shall reap the benefits of her labor.

Gully Girl said...

Sad thing is that after all her hard work, he'll probably end up with half the money and go blow it on vacations and junk instead of saving it for his children's future. Not that I know ANYTHING about this show, I've only watched approximately one episode, but that's the drift I get!

flooz said...

Ditto. I've always been hooked on this show and also so impressed with Kate's amazing organization--I get exhausted just watching the packing for every outing--and how she would include, for example, marinated meat to be grilled after they arrived at their vacation spot. I also understood her screaming fits when she explained to Jon "When you see me acting like a crazy person, it means I need help." The divorce makes me sad for all of them. When she spanked whichever little girl it was, I could only think well, you don't want the kids thinking they can get away with anything as long as other people are watching. It seems most marriages are made up of totally opposite personalities--one's a super Type A and the other's whatever they call the opposite--and it worked for a long time. He has made a fool of himself but who hasn't in their life at one time or another. Being so much in the public eye can only make it even harder to get over something like that or even make corrections. I love each individual kid. I feel bad for all of them.

Anonymous said...

I need to comment again- John is an ass.