Friday, January 22, 2010

Shameless Plugging and Bragging... Week 3 2010

So this week has been crazier than normal. I have a HUGE project starting at work that is consuming my entire life. I actually worked until 9:30 last night, wtf?

Photography class was a little bit easier and I will share tips soon I promise, just really don't have time right now.

C3 started the driving part of driver's ed this week - if you are on the roads in the DFW area - take cover.

C1 had his grand opening of his second gym and I took the time to drive the 2 hours to be there, work be damned! Here are a few shots, just because I am extremely proud...

So that's it for week three, going back to slaving over the salt mine...


Becca said...

Congrats to both C1 and C3...

What is up with C2 and you?

Other than being busier than all get out!

Lulu said...

Very awesome! Thanks for sharing pictures!!!

Gully Girl said...

YAY C1! :) I'd be proud, too, if I were you.

Gully Girl said...

Um, you've now missed two weeks and that's completely unacceptable.

Laura said...

I'd be proud too! How have you been?

Nancy said...

Greg and I were on Precinct x N. Tarrant Parkway. Does he have a gym there?