Friday, August 14, 2009

I hate school!

This has been a really long week and I've worked really long hours. Actually it's been a really long month and I've worked really long hours all month. So I'm tired and I want a day off. I want a day that I can sleep in and nobody wakes me up. Can I go out on a limb here and say I really hate that school is starting in a week? I guess it technically started this week because C3 started football on Monday and that screwed up my already screwed up week.

He has to be there at 7:15 am. Normally, and every day this week, I am in the middle of blow drying my curly hair to make it straight at 7:15 am. So I've had to make myself get up earlier every day this week. Did this solve the dilemma? Uh, no. Because now instead of three cups of coffee before starting the beautifying routine that I must endure to be my true Diva self, I'm sitting on the deck drinking 6 cups of coffee to wake myself up from the lack of sleep. Which means at 7:10 am I am in the middle of drying my hair and must stop and drive him up to the school. With WET HAIR in PUBLIC!

The past 4 Friday's in a row I scheduled to take the day off. Why? So that I could have a sleep in until I want to get up, pajama day. I picked Friday because C3 didn't have work outs on Friday mornings at school (yes this is Texas and we LOVE our friggin football but it technically wasn't football during the summer, it was working out... wtfever). Needless to say my Friday off has been cancelled 4 weeks in a row. Damn job. NOW, that we have the official okay to start football practice and they start an hour earlier AND school starts in one week and there won't be any chance of sleeping in, I decided that tomorrow would be my chosen sleep in day. And just you guess what I found out about 15 minutes ago?

Yep, I got the "Oh Mom, forgot to tell you we have football practice at 8:00 am tomorrow..." Are you FRICKIN KIDDING ME? On Saturday TOO? Can't we just have one more week of summer vacation, just one??????


Anonymous said...

last night was the first night i was home and didn't work in 3 weeks. before i went on vacay i worked 100 plus hours in two weeks. I am still spent.

Take a day off already!!

Becca said...

Take a day off! The world will still be in chaos when you get back, but you will feel a little bit better, promise!

Tracie said...

I'm not ready for school to start either - for just the same reasons except insert volleyball or cheer practice instead of football. 59 days and she can drive herself & her sister!!

Lulu said...

Ummm, no thanks?

Jane! said...

Hang in there. Life improves dramatically when the last one gets their driver's license.

Jaysey said...

It's time someone got a license and a clunker. ;-)

The Lady in Pearls said...

Been there. Beaver is driving now. I complained when I had to take him and worry like heck when he's driving!!!